Highest performance, highest quality


We build and fix them. And we're super good at it.

Simplehack can help you with a new website, or update an existing one, including fixing websites that are not performing as expected. Performance can mean loading times, or it can mean not ranking well in search engines, or it can mean not converting visitors into customers. We can help with all of that.


Here are a few technologies and companies we have worked with or recommend. If you're interested in learning more about them we're happy to chat, or you can click the name below to visit their website.

* Wix is not recommended for business use. From our perspective it is not a good choice for SEO, and it is not a good choice for performance. It is included here because we're familiar with Wix, and we can help people who already have a Wix website.

What you can expect

Working with Simplehack you can expect constant communication, and dedication to your success. Our websites are designed to be usable, performant, searchable, and rich with analytics data.

  • Usable - Websites are designed for the intended audience, and follow standard UI (user interface) conventions so that customers can easily understand how they work. Things that are clickable look clickable, right-clicking to open in a new window works, etc. It works how you expect.
  • Performant - Websites should be fast on desktop and mobile. They use caching, CDNs, loading strategies, and lazy loading so they appear as quickly as possible. When you scroll they are smooth like butter. Content does not shift as you're reading or clicking. It does not get slower the longer you leave it open.
  • Searchable - Websites are designed to be found. They are built with SEO in mind, and are submitted to search engines following industry standard best-practices. They are designed to be found by people who are looking for them (and people who are not). That said, your website is just one part of your SEO strategy.
  • Rich with data - Websites are designed so that we can continue to answer important questions about them. We use metrics and data to understand our visitors, how they're using the website, and whether we need to make changes to improve performance (different from the performance mentioned above). "Twenty visitors to the site today, and nobody clicked on the Learn More button. We know visitors will become customers if they learn more about our services. What can we do to improve this to get more customers?" This is a long-term investment, and requires tuning over time.

How we build websites

As craftspersons we take great pride that our websites deliver on customer expectations, and to do that we follow a simple but repeatable process that yields consistent, excellent results. We are guided by principles, and the secret sauce looks something like this (starting at the top):

  • Requirements Understand what you need, and what your customers need.
  • Research - Validate assumptions, talk to customers.
  • Design - Wire frames, or choose an existing pattern or template.
  • Refine Requirements - Incorporate learnings. What does it take to build this?
  • Development - Create graphical assets, set up technical plumbing like DNS and hosting, build the site.
  • Validation - Did we build what you asked for?
  • Testing - Does it work as expected? Is it Fast?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you fix my website?

  • Do you design websites?

  • How long does it take?

  • How do I get started?

  • When can you get started?

  • How much does it cost?

  • I already use a service (GoDaddy, Wix, Shopify, etc), does that work?

  • What is SEO?

  • Can I sell things on my website?

How we help

Simplehack Services

We have ~20 years experience designing and building software for the Web. Here is an overview of what Simplehack offers. Please, reach out if you're looking for something that isn't on this list.

Technical consulting
Looking for a way forward on a technical problem or idea? Have a question about your website, or the software you use or want to use?
Software development
Need something custom inside of your existing application or website? Have data that needs to be accessible?
Website and search optimization (SEO)
Website broken, or not working as expected? Concerned your website isn't optimized for search or appears incorrectly in search?
Web design and application design
Looking for a new website, or a refreshed design of an existing site? Need something added to your site? We can help.
Review expenses
Review existing tech expenses and make recommendations on how to consolidate and save.
Helping with Goals / Marketing
Set goals, and come up with an action plan to measure and achieve them.
Instructional / Coaching
Private tutoring for individuals / and small teams.
Short-term contracting
We hop on your team to help with short-term projects